BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N;CHARSET=utf-8:PBLabs; FN;CHARSET=utf-8: PBLabs ORG;CHARSET=utf-8:ETH Zščrich;Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL) ROLE;CHARSET=UTF-8: ADR;WORK;POSTAL;CHARSET=utf-8:\n;;Auf der Mauer 17\n;Zščrich;;8001;Please note: This is our office address - it is NOT the address of PBLabs RZ. PBLabs RZ is located at Clausiusstrasse 59 D-Floor. LABEL;WORK;POSTAL;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=utf-8:\nAuf der Mauer 17\n\n8001 Zščrich\nPlease note: This is our office address - it is NOT the address of PBLabs RZ. PBLabs RZ is located at Clausiusstrasse 59 D-Floor. TEL;WORK;VOICE;CHARSET=utf-8:+41 44 6328702 EMAIL; END:VCARD