Cordelia Stanger

Cordelia Stanger

ETH transfer IP und Lizenzen
R?mistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

Cordelia Stanger

Role at ETH transfer

  • Backoffice ETH transfer
  • Equity Management Assistant & Spin-off Recognition
  • Administration Pioneer Fellowship Deep-Tech and Social Impact Incubation Program

Office days

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - all day
Tuesday morning
Friday morning

Previous work experience

Cordelia obtained a commercial college degree. 1983 – 2015 she worked as an office manager or administrative assistant in the private or public sector (freight forwarding business, survey office, computer technology, local government and law firm).  Additionally she performs as family manager for her four youths. She joined the technology transfer office in January 2016. She is responsible for the administration of the Spin-offs and the Pioneer Fellowships as well as of the Venture Programs & Strategies affairs. Furthermore she cares about administrative and personal tasks of the whole ETH transfer Group and acts as personal assistant to the Head of ETH transfer.

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