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All stories that have been tagged with Civil engineering
Materials with new properties and functions
"Living materials" could contribute to future building materials with their ability to sense and react to environmental changes, capture CO2, or self-repair. At the Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geomatic Engineering three research groups are exploring the potential of living materials. An inside look at the ETH ALIVE initiative.
Understanding fractures: from microstructures to earthquakes
David Kammer’s research focuses on a rather unpopular phenomenon: fracture. He uses computer simulations and laboratory experiments to study fractures at all sizes. He is particularly interested in minimal changes that can have large effects on the properties of a material.
Digital twin for safety training
Researchers at ETH Zurich are working with Lufthansa Aviation Training to develop a complete replica of an Airbus aircraft. This digital twin will be used for safety and emergency training of cabin and cockpit crews in virtual reality.