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All stories that have been tagged with Environmental Engineering
The majority of Alpine river discharge is older than one month
A joint study by researchers from ETH Zurich and BOKU University has analysed the age distribution of Alpine rivers in Switzerland and Austria and shown that a large proportion of the annual runoff is significantly older than one month.
A bacterial trap for the search for metabolic virtuosos
Using a novel microfluidic chip, ETH researchers have shown that bacteria not only recognise small food molecules, but also swim towards large, complex polymers. A startup is now using these findings and applying the technology to find microbes that can break down pollutants. ?
Interdisciplinary research on rivers
Restoration and nature conservation projects have the potential to restore and maintain important functions of watercourses for future generations. Researchers from the ETH Domain, in collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), have investigated how sediment transport and connectivity affect flood safety and river ecology.?