Fields Medal for Alessio Figalli

Alessio Figalli, one year after the Fields Medal



Alessio Figalli, one year after the Fields Medal.
Short film, 2019 (in English with subtitles).
Credits: IMU / ETH Zurich.

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Credits: IMU / ETH Zurich.


Alessio Figalli, un anno dopo la medaglia Fields.
Filmato, 2019 (in inglese con sottotitoli in italiano).
Fonte: IMU / ETH di Zurigo.

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Fonte: IMU / ETH di Zurigo.

Download links


Download Link to video (English without subtitles) (MP4, 404.7 MB)

Download Link to video (English with subtitles) (MP4, 404.3 MB)


Download Link al filmato (in inglese con sottotitoli in italiano) (MP4, 404.2 MB)

Download Link all’articolo "Un anno dopo la medaglia Fields" (in italiano) (PDF, 120 KB)

Video footage

Footage may be used for editorial purposes as long as the connection to ETH Zurich and to the recipient of the Fields Medal 2018 is clearly recognisable. Commercial use is prohibited. Any use of these video materials must include the credits.

Video footage

Footage may be used for editorial purposes as long as the connection to ETH Zurich and to the recipient of the Fields Medal 2018 is clearly recognisable. Commercial use is prohibited. Any use of these ETH Zurich materials must include the credit "ETH Zurich".

Texts, photos and videos from August 2018

This is where you can download the media release in four languages (German, English, French, Italian), as well as further background information, photo material, a short film and video statements by 2018 Fields Medal Winner Professor Alessio Figalli (EN, FR, IT) and Professor Lino Guzzella, President of ETH Zurich (DE, EN, IT). Please see the Download press release (PDF, 29 KB) for further information.

Download Medienmitteilung (PDF, 31 KB)

Download Communiqué de presse (PDF, 31 KB)

Download Comunicato stampa (PDF, 30 KB)

Photographs of Professor Alessio Figalli

Provided the copyright is acknowledged, these may be used for editorial purposes in connection with ETH Zurich and the award winner. Commercial use is prohibited.

Enlarged view: Alessio Figalli, Portrait in the ETH main building. (© ETH Zürich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Alessio Figalli, Portrait in the ETH main building. (? ETH Zürich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Enlarged view: Alessio Figalli, Portrait with soap bubble. (© ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Alessio Figalli, Portrait with soap bubble. (? ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Enlarged view: Alessio Figalli, Portrait in front of ETH Zurich I. (© ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Alessio Figalli, Portrait in front of ETH Zurich I. (? ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Enlarged view: Alessio Figalli, Portrait in portrait format I. (© ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Alessio Figalli, Portrait in portrait format I. (? ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Enlarged view: Alessio Figalli, Portrait with soap bubbles. (© ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Alessio Figalli, Portrait with soap bubbles. (? ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Enlarged view: Alessio Figalli, Portrait in front of ETH Zurich II. (© ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Alessio Figalli, Portrait in front of ETH Zurich II. (? ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Enlarged view: Alessio Figalli, Portrait in portrait format II. (© ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
Alessio Figalli, Portrait in portrait format II. (? ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)

Video footage

Footage may be used for editorial purposes as long as the connection to ETH Zurich and to the recipient of the Fields Medal 2018 is clearly recognisable. Commercial use is prohibited. Any use of these ETH Zurich materials must include the credit "ETH Zurich / Michael Steiner, vistory".

Short film  

Short film with 2018 Fields Medal winner Alessio Figalli (video: ETH Zurich / Michael Steiner, vistory GmbH).

By playing the video you accept the privacy policy of YouTube.Learn more OK
Fields medal for ETH Professor Alessio Figalli.

external page Link to YouTube

Video statements

Professor Alessio Figalli, 2018 Fields Medallist.

Three statements each in English, Italian and French.

By playing the video you accept the privacy policy of YouTube.Learn more OK
Credit: "ETH Zurich / Michael Steiner, vistory GmbH".

external page Link to video statements


  1. “Receiving the Fields-Medal is a recognition for my work and for my community.”
  2. “ETH is an ideal place for a mathematician.”
  3. “Mathematics is a very creative process.”

Italian / Italiano

  1. “La Medaglia Fields è un riconoscimento enorme per me e per la mia comunità.”
  2. “ETH è un posto ideale per fare ricerca.“
  3. “La Mathematica è un processo molto creativo.”

external page Link to video statements / Collegamento a video statement

French / Fran?ais

  1. ? La communauté internationale reconna?t la valeur de ce domaine. ?
  2. ? ?tre Professeur à l’ETH c’est vraiment super. ?
  3. ? Les mathématiques sont très créatives. ?

external page Link to video statements / Lien aux déclarations vidéo

Professor Lino Guzzella, President of ETH Zurich.

Three statements each in German, English and Italian.

By playing the video you accept the privacy policy of YouTube.Learn more OK
Credit: "ETH Zurich / Michael Steiner, vistory GmbH".

external page Link to video statements


  1. Appreciation of Alessio Figalli, 2018 Fields Medallist
  2. An honour for ETH Zurich
  3. Significance for ETH Zurich

Italian / Italiano

  1. Riconoscimento per Alessio Figalli, vincitore della medaglia Fields 2018
  2. Riconoscimento per l'ETH di Zurigo
  3. Importanza per l'ETH di Zurigo

external page Link to video statements / Collegamento a video statement

German / Deutsch

  • Würdigung von Alessio Figalli, Fields-Medaillentr?ger 2018
  • Eine Ehre für die ETH Zürich
  • Bedeutung für die ETH Zürich

external page Link to video statements / Link zu den Video-Statements

Curriculum vitae of Professor Alessio Figalli, and brief profile of the ETH Department of Mathematics

Background information for the media.

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