Real Lab High Definition Testbed

As part of the KIVI project (Artificial Intelligence in the Ingolstadt Traffic System), data-driven artificial intelligence methods are being developed to improve traffic control and traffic safety in Ingolstadt. In KIVI, a High Definition Testbed (HDT) is being set up, which includes three highly congested intersections. At these intersections, local sensor technology will be used for real-time detection of all road users. Laser scanners with Egde Computing Devices incl. evaluation software of the company LiangDao as well as thermal cameras of the latest generation are used as sensors, whereby the requirements of data protection are fulfilled from the outset. The Institute for Automated Driving (C-IAD) of the THI is building this test field with the support of the project partners AININ, Fraunhofer and the city of Ingolstadt. The engineering firm VCM from Munich is providing support for planning and construction.

As a first application to increase the safety of vulnerable road users a warning system is being implemented to reduce the risk of critical situations in the intersection at an early stage. The basis for this is formed by powerful communication networks and computers on site, on which algorithms for situation recognition are operated in real time. In the future, the HDT will provide the basis for research into methods of a safe and fault-tolerant traffic system involving autonomous vehicles. The sensor technology was tested in detail at THI's Carissma outdoor site prior to installation in the intersections.


Other partners in the KIVI project:

  • Stadt Ingolstadt (Ingolstadt)
  • Ingolst?dter Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (INVG)
  • Technische Universit?t München (TUM)
  • Technische 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网 Ingolstadt (THI)
  • Artificial Intelligence Network Ingolstadt gGmbH (AININ)
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme (Fraunhofer)
  • GEVAS software GmbH (GEVAS)
  • Traffic Technology Services Europe GmbH (TTS)
  • IFG Ingolstadt


Setup of:

  • 12 high-precision laser detection systems (360° and bpearl lasers)
  • 17 thermal cameras for highly accurate online traffic detection of all road users in the intersections
  • 13 camera detectors for traffic detection in the network near the nodes
  • 3 route stations incl. local control centers with AI analysis algorithm and determination of online warning function
  • 2 output units for the online warning function
  • 3 virtual, organizationally separated high-speed fiber optic networks
  • Automated data supply to the project-specific data hub
  • Data communication via fiber optics

Project Management

Head of CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving (C-IAD)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Huber
Phone: +49 841 9348-2523
Room: H020

Project Management AININ

Scientific director AImotion Bavaria; Programme director and Academic Advisor "Automated Driving and Vehicle Safety" (Master)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch
Phone: +49 841 9348-2721
Room: K209

Project Management Fraunhofer IVI

Business Start-Up Mentor of the Faculty
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Festag
Phone: +49 841 9348-2255
Room: B102
