National Centres of Competence in Research

The external page Swiss National Science Foundation established the National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR) as a long-term funding programme for promoting research on topics of strategic importance to the Swiss academic landscape, economy, and society.

NCCRs are characterised by excellent and internationally visible research and put special emphasis on knowledge and technology transfer, training, and the promotion of women. They are also regularly embedded into and reinforce the existing scientific structures.

Currently, a total of external page 14 NCCRs are running, with ETH Zurich being the home institution for 7 NCCRs. ETH Zurich is the Leading House for the following three NCCRs:

Logo NCCR Automation

The complete automation and control of entire systems such as cities (smart cities), power grids (smart grids) or industrial processes (Industry 4.0) is increasingly becoming a reality in the course of digital transformation. The NCCR external page Automation is developing the methodological and technological foundations for the large-scale implementation of complex automation systems.

Logo NCCR Catalysis

The aim of the NCCR external page Catalysis is to create the scientific and technological bases to make chemical processes and products, and indeed the chemical industry in general, more sustainable, resource-efficient and CO2-neutral.


The NCCR external page Digital Fabrication (DFAB) examines innovative processes of design, engineering and construction in architecture. The main focus of this NCCR is research into digital design and manufacturing processes and their synthesis through the use of novel technologies.

ETH Zurich is the Co-Leading House of four NCCRs:

Logo NCCR Microbiomes

The NCCR external page Microbiomes uses experimental and computational approaches to investigate the interactions of microorganisms in a range of systems (human, animal, plant and the environment) in order to create new foundations for innovation in major sectors of the economy and society, such as nutrition and medicine.


The NCCR external page Molecular Systems Engineering (MSE) aims at creating complex, functional systems from molecular, biological and chemical components to further the development of systems biology into a new form of molecular engineering.

Enlarged view: NCCR RNA & Krankheit

Research activities within the NCCR external page RNA & Disease aim at advancing our understanding of fundamental mechanisms in RNA biology, identifying disease phenotypes related to these mechanisms, and developing ideas for novel therapeutic and diagnostic approaches.


The NCCR external page Mathematics of Physics (SwissMaP) is a multidisciplinary project at the interface of mathematics and theoretical physics and aims to encourage interaction between the two fields.

Dr. Matthias Unterburger

Forschungsinitiativen u. -infrast.
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
8093 Zürich

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