I want to study at ETH Zurich, but which Bachelor's degree programme?

Get an overview of our range of study programmes and use our advisory services to help with your decision.

Obtain Information

In order to make a good decision, you will need information about ETH degree programmes. Tips on how to find this information are provided below.

Get an overview, with descriptions, of the range of Bachelor’s degree programmes.

Tip: Further information on degree programmes may be found on department websites.

Attend ETH Zurich Orientation Events to find out more about our degree programmes.

What is student life like at ETH Zurich? How much time does one invest in studies? When do examinations take place? When are the holidays?
See FAQ: Everyday academic life at ETH Zurich for an impression.

A complete university education involves both Bachelor’s and Master’s studies. Bachelor’s studies provide foundational knowledge and methodology in the selected discipline. Master’s studies consolidate this foundation and impart expertise.
After completing their Bachelor’s degrees students may choose between various Master’s degree programmes. Every Bachelor’s degree programme is followed by at least one consecutive Master’s degree programme.

  • Consecutive Master’s degree programmes follow on directly from a Bachelor’s degree programme in content. Progression to a consecutive Master’s degree programme in the respective discipline proceeds with no additional requirements. Example: Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics > Master’s degree programme in Mathematics.
  • Non-consecutive Master’s degree programmes do not follow on directly from a particular Bachelor’s degree programme in their content. They are independent, often interdisciplinary degree programmes with a thematic focus, to which admission without additional requirements is possible for persons with various Bachelor’s degrees. Example: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology > Master’s degree programme in Management, Technology and Economics.
  • Specialised Master’s degree programmes concentrate on a special topic, which is taught in an interdisciplinary manner with an international focus. They are open to outstanding graduates from different Bachelor’s degree programmes. Specific entry requirements apply, and a selection procedure determines admission. The number of places available is often limited. Example: Bachelor’s degree in Physics > Master’s degree programme in Quantum Engineering.
  • Joint Master’s degree programmes are specialised Master’s programmes which are offered jointly in cooperation with other Swiss and/or foreign universities. Example: Joint Master’s in Applied Geophysics (offered by TU Delft, ETH Zurich and RWTH Aachen).

See the external pageacademic studies system at Swiss universities for detailed information on the various Master’s degree programmes.

Holders of a Bachelor’s degree cannot progress to any preferred Master’s programme. A student with a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering cannot enter a Master’s programme in Biology; nor will a student with a Bachelor’s in Chemistry be admitted to a Master’s programme in Computer Science. The choice of Bachelor’s degree programme thus generally determines the later Master’s degree programme. Small changes of direction are possible, but require good preparation. More significant changes mean completing a second Bachelor’s degree. Whoever wants to be sure will take a good look at which Bachelor’s degree leads to which Master’s degree before making a decision. This applies particularly to the monodisciplinary degree programmes offered at ETH Zurich.

See the Master’s degree programmes at ETH Zurich for an overview.

The admissions prerequsites for ETH Master’s degree programmes are listed in the appendices to the respective programme regulations. This information will help you to estimate your chances of admission to the desired Master’s degree programme. If you are unsure, contact the Admissions Office.

ETH Master’s degree programmes: Prerequisites for admission and profiles of requirements

Decision Making

You have narrowed down the conceivable degree programmes to a few. Use our range of decision-making tools to help you make your decision.

Compare individual degree programmes with the help of our QuickCheck-tool (German only).

It is important to experience something in person to make a decision about it. Get an on-site impression through our Downloadrange of visiting options (German only) and attend (for example) a lecture.

Decision-making tools can help you make a decision. Try them!

Do you have a specific question on our Bachelor’s degree programmes, or about ETH Zurich studies in general? Would you like to share your thoughts with a neutral specialist?

We would be happy to speak to you confidentially and free of charge in a personal discussion about your Bachelor's study programme options.

Decisions are Never Final

Choices regarding study programme and career are important, but they are never final. Detours on the way to your goal may be time-consuming, but they are often a viable option. Always remember: there are many ways to reach the goal.

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