Master Neural Systems and Computation

Understanding the principles underlying brain function and discovering how to develop artificial systems that use the same principles are key issues for the future success of medical sciences and for the development of artificial intelligent systems.
Answering these questions requires expertise that extends across multiple academic disciplines. To approach these questions, researchers must work at the interface between physics and medical sciences, engineering and cognitive sciences, and mathematics and computer science.
With the help of a mentor, students draw up their own individual curricula. The programme consists of a set of core modules, elective core modules, elective modules, and a Master's thesis and short projects.
The core modules provide fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the areas of neuroscience and information processing.
The elective core modules cover basics of neuroscience. These are divided into three categories: systems neuroscience, neural computation and theoretical neurosciences, and neurotechnologies and neuromorphic engineering. Students have to attend courses from at least two of the three listed categories. Elective modules allow students to expand and deepen their specific skills and knowledge.
The Master's thesis and semester projects give students the opportunity for doing independent research.
Language of instruction
Credits | duration
90 ECTS | 1.5 years
Academic title
Master of Science UZH ETH in Neural Systems and Computation
Qualifying disciplines
Bachelor's degree in the following disciplines: neurosciences, information technology, electrical engineering, biology, physics, computer sciences, chemistry, mathematics, biomedicine, mechanical/chemical/control engineering, or similar subjects.
Detailed information
external page Master's degree programme Neural Systems and Computation
Institute of Neuroinformatics UZH/ETH Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
Y55 G88