
Projects which address the creation and revision of curricula are very complex, and often take years to complete. They require clear objectives, systematic management and wide participation. Their results are borne by everyone involved.

On this site the heads of completed projects report on the progression and results of their own curriculum development activities, and on the evaluation of the new degree programme by others. Their reports include tips for shaping curriculum development processes. The list is continually updated.

Bachelor’s degree programme in Human Medicine


Department: Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST)
Project head and contact person:
Project duration: Spring 2015 to Autumn 2017
Launch of new degree programme: Autumn Semester 2017


With the start of its Bachelor’s degree programme in Human Medicine [in German] in 2017, ETH Zurich is the first Swiss university to comprehensively integrate the areas of medical technology and natural science into a degree programme in medicine. One hundred students were accepted to commence in Autumn Semester 2017. In addition to the content and methods required for their medical studies, the programme focuses on the areas of technology, information, teamwork and interprofessionality. Working from a foundation in medical and scientific knowledge, students also address three pertinent areas of modern medicine: digital medicine, medical technology and medical imaging. Clinical application of knowledge is continual, with a focus on doctor-patient interaction and medical examination methods. To evaluate and develop the curriculum a number of student / faculty forums are already in operation

Further information

MSc in Integrated Building Systems


Department: D-ARCH
Project head and contact persons: Prof. Jan Carmeliet,
Project team: Dr Kristina Orehounig, D-ARCH (head), study programme coordinators of the departments involved, Educational Development and Technology, Deputy Head of Academic Services
Project duration: 2013-2014
Launch of new degree programme: Autumn Semester 2014


The Master's degree programme in Integrated Building Systems was developed in 2013 and 2014 in a project headed by the Department of Architecture. It offers interdisciplinary scientific training in the area of integrated building systems and building technologies, with a focus on the energy efficiency of buildings. It is a collaborative effort of the five departments D-ARCH (lead), D-MAVT, D-BAUG, D-MTEC and D-ITET. One particular challenge was to develop an interdisciplinary degree programme which builds on the heterogenous previous knowledge of students and at the same time facilitates skills development in new professional fields. Since its launch in 2014, 71 students have enrolled in the programme (status: Autumn 2017), 70% of them from abroad. Most of these students hold a Bachelor's degree in civil engineering or architecture, followed by machine engineering and electrical engineering.

Further information

BSc and MSc in Agricultural Sciences


Department: Environmental Systems Science
Project head and contact person: Prof.
Project duration: Autumn Semester 2013 to Spring Semester 2017
Launch of revised degree programmes: Autumn Semester 2016


The curricula of the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Agricultural Sciences were fundamentally revised in the context of the "Agrofutur" degree programme initiative. The stimulus for this was, among other things, an unclear profile and gaps in the teaching of non-disciplinary competences required in the field, such as project management. In a parcipitative process with department-wide input the profiles of the three disciplinary specialisations were refined, practicals were created, and non-disciplinary competences were integrated into the curriculum. The effects of the revision are evaluated regularly, and adjustments are made where indicated. Further education courses for teaching staff are offered as an additional quality assurance measure.

Further information


Dr. Benno Volk
Lecturer at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
8092 Zürich

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