Submission system

Innovedum system and workflow

Login submission system

Please log in to the submission system with your ?nethz-login?: Login

Procedure proposal online submission

For the project submission proceed as follows:

1. New proposal application

  • Open ?New proposal? application (left above)
  • Fill out web form, observe text fields required * (the fields marked for publication have to be filled in German and English)
  • ?Save? to cache the text (at end of page)
  • Final submission of the application: click on ?Save and submit?
  • A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you from

2. Uploading your attachments

  • Click on ?Attachments? (in the menu above)
  • Choose ?Add attachment? to upload attachments and ?Save? the documents uploaded


Team Innovedum
Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL)
Haldenbachstrasse 44, HAD
8092 Zürich

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