Project-Based Education in Action

Project-Based Education in Action

ETH has some fantastic project-based courses in its departments. We highlight some here to inspire you

Classes are listed here with the course type and class size. Our experience is that when designing a PBE format, the class size and whether it is a semester or block course creates important boundary conditions for the design process, especially in terms of resources and activities like fieldtrips.

Not yet part of this? Write to Emily Elsner, the PBLabs Educational Developer (), and let’s get you featured!



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How can we develop a business idea into a viable business plan and pitch it to an expert jury?

D-MTEC, Chair of Entrepreneurship // Semester class (14 weeks) // 100 students // 3 ECTS

Coming soon:

River Restoration - D-BAUG

Corporate Sustainability - D-MTEC

Interdisciplinary MAS Project - D-GESS

Umweltprobleml?sen - D-USYS



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