Alain-Sol Sznitman receives Blaise Pascal Medal
Alain-Sol Sznitman, Professor at the Department of Mathematics, has been awarded the 2022 Blaise Pascal Medal from the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc).

Alain-Sol Sznitman has been a professor at the Department since 1991 and became emeritus in 2021. He received the 2022 Blaise Pascal Medal in recognition for his contributions to probability theory.
The prize committee writes: "He is one of the main players who have transformed probability theory into one of the most active and important branches of mainstream mathematics – both directly via their own work, but also by creating a sense of community. In this last decade, Sznitman has again crafted a deep subject. With the 'interlacement' questions, one looks at questions of the connectivity properties of 'the complement of a random structure' rather that of the random structure itself. This turned out to be a deep topic, with relations to many other currently active areas of probability theory (maxima of random fields), where again, the ideas that he developed turn out to be central."
Further information
- external page Leonardo da Vinci Award and Blaise Pascal Medallists 2022
- external page European Academy of Sciences (EurASc)
- Personal website Alain-Sol Sznitman