Information about leaving

Are you leaving ETH Zurich? Please note the following information.

To be done before leaving

Please note that access to ETHIS is blocked after your contract ends. Please print any payslips and salary statements before your last day of work.

You will receive the salary statement for the current year by post in January of the following year.

On your last day of work, please return all items and documents (ETH-ID, key, access pass, laptop, etc.) which are the property of ETH or are connected with your employment to the issuing office of your organisation unit.

Utilize any outstanding vacation entitlement before your departure.  

Please inform us of your new address abroad via ETHIS before leaving ETH Zurich to ensure that we forward any post for you to the correct address.

Please also read the IT Services document "Download Leaving ETH: important information (PDF, 178 KB)".

Insurance and pension provision

This point only applies if your working time is a t least eight hours per week: Your insurance coverage for non-occupational accidents will expire one month after your contract ends. You will then be responsible for taking out your own accident insurance. You can extend your insurance cover by up to 180 days by completing an online application (external page for interim accident insurance. If you choose not to take out interim accident insurance and do not enter into a new employment relationship for the time being, please ask your health insurance provider to include accident coverage in your health insurance.

If you receive a daily unemployment benefit, you are insured against accident risks via the unemployment insurance fund at SUVA.

The continued payment of salary in case of illness ends with the end of the contract. ETH Zurich does not have a daily sickness benefit insurance (KTG) and it has to be checked individually whether such an insurance has to be taken out with your health insurance company.

Your membership of the PUBLICA pension fund will be terminated when your contract ends. We ask you to complete the form using the information on the website Termination of PUBLICA membership and send it as soon as possible with the necessary documents to the Federal Pension Fund PUBLICA, Eigerstrasse 57, 3007 Bern.

Secrecy obligation

We would like to remind you that the duty of secrecy shall persist even after termination of the employment relationship (Personnel Ordinance for the ETH-Domain, Art. 57 par. 2).

Information in case of moving abroad

If you are leaving ETH Zurich and leaving Switzerland too, please take note of the following:

Notifying local authorities of your departure

Notify your Residents’ Registration Office or District Office of your departure personally and in good time. You can do this up to 30 days in advance. Remember to ask for confirmation of your deregistration, as you will need this for various administrative matters.

Reimbursement of AHV contributions

Information on the reimbursement of AHV contributions can be found on the website Reimbursement of OASI contributions for foreign employees.

Leaving without a new job

If you are leaving ETH Zurich but not starting a new job, please take note of the following:

Unemployment insurance – employer certificate

If you are leaving ETH Zurich and have no new job in prospect, please contact the relevant external page Regional Employment Centre (Regionales Arbeitsvermittlungszentrum, RAV).

The Regional Employment Centre will advise you, explain how you should proceed further, and provide you with all the documents and forms you need. You can send the employer certificate to HR Operations for filling in and signing or inform us by telephone and we will send the certificate to your home address.

The Regional Employment Centre will refer you to the relevant unemployment insurance fund.

Further information on what to do if you are unemployed can be found external page on this website.

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