Timeline - Shutdown of classic user interface and migration of old templates
Detailed information about the shutdown schedule for the classic user interface and the migration of old content page and homepage templates.

Shutdown of the classic AEM user interface
- Adobe is discontinuing the further development of the classic AEM user interface, forcing us to switch to the new touch user interface technology.
- Since summer 2024 authors have had the possibility to get used to and work with the new touch user interface.
- Existing website content is retained and can be edited via the touch user interface.
- In February 2025 the work preferences of all AEM authors will be set to touch, but it is still possible to switch to classic ('C' in the top toolbar).
- General information and introductory courses to touch are planned for January and February.
- 4 June 2025: Definitive changeover to TouchUI
Content page templates: migrate to new wide page layout
- For more than 2 years now, the templates with the right context area have been deprecated. This is indicated with a red bar at the top of the pages in the backend and a link to the manual page for support.
- These old page templates cannot be edited in touch, and need to be switched to the wide page template first.
- Content of the right context area must be removed and manually be added to the main content area if still needed.
- All existing content within the content area will stay and can be edited after the switch.
- April 2025: The old content page templates will be read-only and need to be switched to the wide page layout before they can be edited. At that time the 'wide layout switch' will automatically move the context area components to the main content if possible, inherited content will disappear.
Homepage template: migrate to new wide homepage
- Old homepage templates cannot be edited in Touch, and need to be switched to the wide homepage first. Information and the link to the manual information page can be found in the magenta bar at the top of the legacy homepage.
- Careful: the switch will delete all existing homepage content, since only new components can be used on the new wide homepage template. The subpages of a site are not affected, for details please consult the manual.
- As of September 2025, the old homepages will be read-only and need to be switched to the wide page layout before they can be edited.
Updating classic bookmarks to Touch UI bookmarks
Until the official shutdown, if you have bookmarks saved to reach your webpages or the site manager, it could be that you will be always reverted to the Classic view, because the URL contains the information for the interface.
Existing bookmarks can be easily edited to Touch UI links by replacing the specific part of the URL that references the interface type.
- Site manager links were of the format https://cms-author.ethz.ch/siteadmin#/content/... Change siteadmin# to sites.html for the Touch UI version of the URL (e.g. https://cms-author.ethz.ch/sites.html/content/...).
- Asset manager links were of the format https://cms-author.ethz.ch/damadmin#/content/... Change damadmin# to assets.html for the Touch UI version of the URL (e.g. https://cms-author.ethz.ch/assets.html/content/...).
- Page editor links were of the format https://cms-author.ethz.ch/cf#/content/... Change the cf# to editor.html for the Touch UI version of the URL (e.g. https://cms-author.ethz.ch/editor.html/content/...).