Mendeley Reference Manager - Reference management (German)

90 min
  • 04.12.2024, 17:00 - 18:30
ETH Zurich, centre
  • Müller,?Andreas Dominik  ()
  • ETH-Bibliothek,?Information  ()
free of costs
  • Setting up a Mendeley account and joining the ETH Zurich institutional group
  • Reference management
  • Import of references from scientific databases
  • Generate bibliographies and insert citations via plugin in different word processors
  • Upload and organise PDFs
  • Connect to research groups and colleagues

By the end of this course you will be able to

  • create your own personal digital Mendeley library and manage all your sources in one place,
  • use different ways to import literature into your Mendeley library,
  • be efficient in adding citations in your text documents and generate bibliographies in your chosen citation style,
  • search online bibliographic databases and import references directly into your Mendeley library,
  • create private groups to collaborate with other researchers by sharing your documents.
please bring your own device

ETH Library, foyer, floor H, main building ETH Zurich, R?mistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich

  • Bachelor students
  • Master students
  • Doctoral students
  • Scientific staff
  • Technical and administration staff
  • Scientifically interested individuals

Access to and participation in our courses will be barrier-free. Please contact us in advance at +41 44 632 21 35 or at so that we can optimally meet your needs.

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