Advanced Scientific Writing in Natural Sciences

19.09.2024 - 26.09.2024
2 days
  • 19.09.2024, 09:00 - 17:00: Advanced Scientific Writing in Natural Sciences
  • 26.09.2024, 09:00 - 17:00: Advanced Scientific Writing in Natural Sciences
Start registration period: 03.06.2024
End of registration period: 05.09.2024
Free of charge to PSC, LSZGS Ph.D. program students. Priority will be given to DUW PhD students (UNIBAS).All others: CHF 300.
University of Basel, Biozentrum, U1.197
This course shows how to write clear research articles and review articles. We talk about organising writing projects, planning text structures, writing drafts, and improving texts. Participants work on individual article projects and receive feedback from the trainer.
Dr. Philipp Mayer
PhD Students
Postdocs if places available
Participation is limited to 14 students, with priority given to DUW- PhD Students.
Participants should be sufficiently advanced in their research projects to be able to work on individual research articles or review articles. Before the course, participants determine preliminary titles and tentative conclusions for their projected articles.
The course will be graded as “pass/fail” based on attendance and active participation during day 1 and day 2 and a writing assignment to be handed in two weeks after the second day of the course.

By registering you agree to the PSC course terms and conditions AGBs

Cancellation of a course registration should be arranged with the course coordination office? is possible free of charge up to 2 weeks before the course starts.
Later cancellations and failure to attend or incomplete attendance without documented justification will incur a fee of 200 CHF.
REGISTRATION: University of Basel students should also register via the Unibas course directory:

Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

Dr. Jelena Rajkov (
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