Onboarding of doctoral students
The start of a new doctoral student comes with many unknown variables. Will the candidate find his or her way around the subject well? Will he or she integrate well into the team? Will the doctoral candidate fulfil the requirements that prompted you as the head to hire him or her?
You can make a significant contribution to ensuring that the start of the doctorate is successful for you as a whole.
- Familiarise new doctoral students with the rules that apply in the group.
- Take time at the beginning to discuss your mutual expectations of a doctorate and define the framework conditions for the collaboration.
- You are also welcome to use Prof Anne Lee's Download worksheet (PDF, 318 KB) for this purpose.
ETH Zurich has a wide range of events that provide new doctoral students with orientation at the university and bring them into contact with important topics of personal responsibility. Doctoral students who are already advanced in their doctorate will also find relevant offers.
Make your doctoral students aware of this offer and allow them time for regular further training. Doctoral students can also find further information that may be important on their path through the doctorate in the Life Long Learning Hub. There are curated learning paths, including on the onboarding phase.