Promotion Programs and Networks
Find out about the different career support programs. Here is a selection:
- For outstanding master students: Excellence Scholarship
- For female doctoral students, postdocs and other young scientists: external page Fix-?the-leaky-pipeline
- For female doctoral students, postdocs and team leaders: feminno - Career Program for Innovative Women in Life Sciences
- For female doctoral students and postdocs: external page CONNECT encourages women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to plan and develop their career. It aims to inspire all involved people to bridge the gap between academia, industry and public sector.
- For researchers: Society in Science - Branco Weiss Fellowship
Here are some networks that might also be helpful (find information on industry networks here):
- external page GENUINEWOMEN - Réseau dynamique de femmes entrepreneures, créatives et authentiques (in French)
- external page ffu - FachFrauenUmwelt für Berufsfrauen im Umweltbereich (in German and French)
- external page ?bu - Verband für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften (in German)