Contract and Salary

The amount of your starting salary depends on the industry, the size of the company and your position. There are also strong regional differences within Switzerland.

It is important to prepare yourself for this topic and to make sure that you have realistic ideas about your salary.

Starting salaries are fixed in many companies and there is little room for negotiation. There are some salary calculators on the internet that can help you to estimate your possible salary (see below). But be careful with all these figures, because they are based on individual data, which as mentioned above are also influenced by other factors. Therefore be sure to compare them with peers directly or via kununu or glassdoor. For individual industries or professions, there are also studies that help you get a clearer idea (e.g. external page Swissengineering). You can also get some tips on the topic of starting salaries in our application guide.


ETH Zürich
Career Center
Universit?tstrasse 19
8092 Zurich

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