Engelberg Dialogues 2019

Are you interested in participating in discussions on the digitalization, openness and use of health data? The Autumn Academy for young researchers might be the right thing for you.
Tutoring positions at AIMS, South Africa

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa, is looking for excellent Master students and graduates to teach and support gifted students from across Africa in mathematics, statistics and computer science. Tutoring positions are offered for one full year.
?Angel Talk? at ETH Zurich

You want to discuss your business idea informally? You need some coaching before you pitch in front of potential investors? Exchange ideas with experienced business angels.
Open Internship Position at swissnex Boston
Swissnex Boston is recruiting for an Innovation and Academics Associate starting on June 1st ideally for 6-12 months. This is an internship open to students currently enrolled at Swiss universities and recent graduates.
Solve's 2019 Global Challenges

MIT Solve is calling for proposals from solvers around the world to tackle the global challenges. Students working on solutions are encouraged to apply. You may get invited to participate in future activities and receive funding.
Explore Taiwan

The National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Taiwan offers a 4-week intensive summer programme for Bachelor students.
Summer schools in Brussels

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is organising a selection of summer schools. VUB is located in the heart of Europe, Brussels, the capital city.