Know-how for your research project: series of workshops “Research data management and related topics”
This interesting series of workshops organised by the ETH Library and the Scientific IT Services at ETH Zurich will introduce you to the diverse aspects of research data management.

There are six workshops in the series, and each builds on the previous ones. The first course teaches the basics of research data management and how to apply them. This will constitute the foundation of your own research project.
In the second workshop, you will learn to manage and analyse data for reproducible research. Topics include secure data storage, creating back-ups and handling large records (big data).
Part three of the series is about publishing data and working with open-access and open-research data in compliance with all requirements. In workshop number four, we will teach you good practices when using confidential data for your research. You will also learn which platforms to use and which laws to observe when using sensitive data.
Working with images is an important topic, too. In the fifth instalment of the series, you will find out how to manage images, how to use them in publications and how to cite them. You will also learn to license your own images.
The sixth and last workshop is about scientific outreach and promoting your own research. You will find out why the social media are especially relevant for academics, learn the dos and don’ts for publishing on Twitter and LinkedIn, and get to know the storytelling method for writing texts, which is useful on social media and beyond.
In the 2020 autumn semester, we will be running our workshops online for the first time, using the online communication tool Zoom. The courses will take place on Wednesdays between 28 October and 2 December 2020 from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. All courses are held in English. They are aimed at doctoral students, postdocs, academic staff and other members of ETH Zurich.
You can sign up for individual workshops or the entire series of workshops on the website of the ETH Library.
Good to know: We can also organise additional sessions of the workshops for groups of five people or more upon request. You can make an appointment on our website.
#KnowHow – The ETH Library’s infrastructure and tools lead you to your goal.
#ETHLibraryDigital – The ETH Library is there for you digitally with various resources and services, not only during the COVID-19 protective measures.