SEMP Worldwide Projects & Traineeships

The Swiss-European Mobility Program (SEMP) supports projects and traineeships outside of Europe.

Application deadline

  • Two months before the start of the stay.
  • You must submit the application in full, i.e. with all documents. Therefore, plan enough time to have the "Learning Agreement for Traineeships / Projects" signed by both parties (ETH and host institution).
  • The traineeship or project must be part of the degree programme.
  • The duration of the funding depends on the academic year.
    • 2024/25: 2 to 12 months (360 days) of your project or traineeship can be funded via SEMP Projects & Traineeships.
    • 2025/26: 2 to 6 months (180 days) of your project or traineeship can be funded via SEMP Projects & Traineeships (Europe and worldwide). Regardless of this maximum funding, your stay can last 12 months.
    • 2025/26: A maximum of 6 months (180 days) per study level (Bachelor / Master) can be funded via SEMP projects & traineeships.
  • A maximum of 12 months (360 days) per study level (Bachelor / Master) can be funded with SEMP scholarships (including SEMP SMS). It is, therefore, possible to apply multiple times, provided the applications are submitted at different study levels and the maximum possible funding period per study level has not yet been reached.
  • Traineeships funded and supervised by other traineeship organisations (e.g. IAESTE) cannot be additionally funded via SEMP Projects & Traineeships.
  • If you receive remuneration from your employer, this including the scholarship may not exceed CHF 2,000 per month.
  • Internships or projects have to be conducted full-time (in accordance with the labour law of the host destination).

No language test is required but it is the students' personal responsibility to make sure that their knowledge of the foreign language is sufficient. The host organisation (company or university) rightfully expects students to understand and use its everyday and working languages.

Once we have confirmed your application, you will receive an informal language certification (English language level C1) if you have declared an adequate level of English. It is your responsibility to check with your host institution if you must submit a different language certificate (or certification) and to make sure that you can do so in due time.

It is your responsibility to organise the visa and all required entry documents in good time. The Student Exchange Office cannot support the process.

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