Diversity Topics

ETH Diversity is your contact point, if you have questions regarding diversity and inclusion or ideas how ETH Zurich could improve in this regard.

ETH Zurich thrives off its diversity

People from various disciplines and cultural or religious backgrounds, with different genders and sexual orientation, people with limited temporal and spatial availability due to other responsibilities, such as caregiving, high-level competitive sports or rehabilitation after an illness, people of different age and people with or without physical and cognitive impairments, study, work and undertake research together at ETH Zurich. Such a diversity of perspectives is a central condition for excellence in research, education and innovation at our university. 

In order to live diversity in a fitting and effective manner, it is important to be aware of our own stereotypes (see Gender and Stereotype) of "other" groups. Some groups belong to minorities and some perceive or encounter discrimination. ETH Zurich aims at raising awareness among all its members and designing its institutional structures to tap the full potential of all groups and individuals. This requires that all of us try to consciously act against stereotypes or try to eliminate them. To this purpose, the ETH Zurich has released a code of conduct “respect”, which is binding for everyone at the university. 

It should not be forgotten that some individuals can belong to several minorities or groups encountering discrimination. This "intersectionality" (see "external pageEquality, diversity and inclusion at universities: the power of a systemic approach") requires a holistic approach to championing diversity and inclusion within an institution.  


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