Git Crash Course

1.75 hrs
  • 19.09.2024, 18:15 - 20:00
ETH Zurich, centre
  • Lardon,?Fadri
Free of charge
HG D 7.2, R?mistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich
For students
Do you just started ETH and are suddenly expected to know git for your courses? Do you frequently delete your repository and clone it again to avoid sorting out merge conflicts? Or perhaps you're just curious about git? Then this git course is for you.

In this course, we will give a quick introduction to git's philosophy and explain the concepts and techniques you need to work on your courses efficiently

We assume that you have git already installed, and are not afraid of using the terminal.

Please bring a laptop. Furthermore, an account for or and an internet connection are required.

Course materials can be found HERE

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