Archive internal news

All stories by Corporate Communications

"External clarifications are now needed to provide clarity"

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

News from the Executive Board 2024/5

  • Institutional
  • Internal news
  • The Executive Board reports

“We wish to offer space for a fact-based and respectful academic debate.”

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Which address format should I use?

  • tips and tricks
  • Internal news

“ETH Zurich is not a platform for political activism”

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Community
  • Institutional
  • 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网
  • Internal news

How does the ETH Foundation work?

  • Institutional
  • ETH Zurich Foundation
  • Internal news

New design for the ETH app

  • tips and tricks
  • Internal news

News from the Executive Board 2024/3

  • Institutional
  • For researchers
  • The Executive Board reports
  • Teaching
  • Internal news

Personalise your internal newsletter

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Morph Tales – A game shows how AI and humans interact

  • 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网
  • Community
  • Internal news

Newly designed info portal for ETH employees

Internal news

New courses on science communication

Internal news

Should we abolish gift-giving at Christmas?

Internal news

Wanted: your favourite biscuits and pastries for the festive season

Internal news

LunchLottery taking a break for the summer

Internal news

Polybahn renovation begins today

Questions raised about the two surveys among ETH employees

Internal news

Foresight: more than magic

Internal news

LunchLottery: Sign up now for the next round!

Internal news

Masks compulsory on ETH Link from 6 July

Who will create the best ETH corona meme?


Executive Board to make an announcement on 24 April on the phasing out of emergency operations

Information event on the work situation: recording now online

Service info

Zoom under fire – ETH’s response

Honorary lecture by Fields Medal winner Alessio Figalli

  • Service info
  • Internal news

More than 3500 enjoyed "togETHer"

  • Service info
  • Internal news

ETH couples on Valentine's Day

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Two gold medals for ETH Zurich

Service info

The ETH websites are now responsive

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A dynamic portrait in just 120 seconds

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The new information brochure “Portrait 2017 – Where the future begins”

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Service info

Sustainable mobility: the new issue of ‘life’ magazine is out now

  • Service info
  • Internal news

New functions added to the ETH app

Internal news

Invitation to ETH Day 2014

The Executive Board reports

ETH app update

Service info

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