
The aim of the project is, on the one hand, to promote transdisciplinary discourse on the acceptability of technology. What morals should our machines follow? How should machines influence us? On the other hand, it also aims to investigate the empirical conditions under which technology is de facto accepted and how these conditions can be shaped. When do we use machines? How strongly do we react to situational influences?

Project partner

  • Prof. Joshua Knobe, Yale
  • Dr. Jurgis Karpus, LMU München
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Ostermaier, Syddansk Universitet
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pfeffer, TU München
  • Prof. Dr. Gari 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网owitz, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

THI contact

Prof. Dr. Mathias Uhl
Prof. Dr. Matthias Uhl
Phone: +49 841 9348-2231
Room: K302

Funded by