Morning yoga and programming: "Hackadon" in Quartier G

From November 9 to 11, a so-called hackathon will take place on the THI campus, where programmers will tackle complex tasks. The whole thing will be accompanied by a colorful supporting program - including a storytelling workshop.


[Translate to English:] Quelle: THI.

The word "hackathon" is a mixture of "hack" and "marathon".  "Hacking" is used here in the sense of research-based programming. A hackathon is usually a 48-hour event where creative minds and number crunchers come together to find innovative solutions to specific problems in small teams. There are no limits to the variety - anyone who wants to be part of something big is welcome.

The motto of this year's "Hackadon", a combination of "Hackathon" and "Donau", is "AI & More". The aim of this format is to develop ideas and solutions on the key topics of AI use in companies, circular economy, digitalization & automation of processes, sustainable mobility, logistics, load transport and urban planning.

The special thing about the "Hackadon" is the supporting program: In addition to morning yoga, there will be pitch training, a storytelling workshop and much more. The highlight of the event is the award ceremony on November 11 at 5 p.m. in the brigk makerspace, where the teams with the best ideas and most creative solutions will be honored.

The organizers of the "Hackadon" are the Center of Entrepreneurship der THI, the Mensch in Bewegung II project, AININ gGmbH, brigk – Digitale Gründerzentrum and the transform.10 project. With its AI mobility node AImotion Bavaria, THI and other Ingolstadt players are predestined to once again combine top IT expertise with exciting challenges and innovative ideas at this year's Hackadon. Over 100 students have already registered.

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