Supervision agreement

The doctorate is one phase of scientific qualification, in which supervision from an experienced scientist within the framework of the required independent scientific activity is very important for creating and further developing research competencies. Thus leading scientific organisations recommend that doctoral candidates and supervisors to make a supervision agreement. A supervision agreement based on a personal talk between the doctoral candidate and supervisor in which both agree on the broad process for the cooperative doctorate and the form of the supervision. A part of the agreement can also be individual measures, resulting from the specific situation of the doctoral candidate, for example agreements for work-family balance. 

The talk between the doctoral candidate and the supervisor fulfils the important function of mutually aligning the expectations in respect of the cooperative proposed dissertation. Thus it is recommended to make a supervisory agreement close to the start of the proposed doctorate and to successively substantiate and adjust the time plan and work plan.

Technische 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网 Ingolstadt has created a supervisory agreement based on the DFG (German Research Association), Wissenschaftsrat (The German council of Science and Humanities) and acatec (National Academy of Science and Engineering) recommendations. You can find these in the "Download" field on the right side of this page.