Goals and idea

Center of the EMC-Acoustics laboratory is a shielded anechoic chamber for experiments and tests in wave propagation for both basic types of waves: electromagnetic (radio waves) and acoustic waves.

The shield for electromagnetic purposes is a Faraday and for acoustics a damping layer around the cabine. Inside,there are black pyramid absorbers for both types, acoustic and electromagnetic.

Laboratory C008/009

Laboratory equipment and activities

Equipment and function

In a sound dead space (absorber area) there is no wave reflection. This environment simulates the free sound propagation (free-field) in space, either in three-dimensional (3D) without reflective floor or in a two and a half dimensional space (2.5D) with a reflective wooden floor.

The sound dead space is the counterpart to an echo chamber with maximum wave reflection, comparable to an indoor swimming pool.

Anechoic and reverberation rooms provide standardized conditions for proper noise measurements again.

In all other areas, the measured sound pressure from a source depends on the room's characteristics.

The anechoic chamber may be used in a frequency range of about 100 Hz to 10 kHz.

Standardized measurements of the sound pressure and sound power are possible.

Practical training

The training covers a variety of topics areas that have their true origin in physics and mathematics in the following:

  • Introduction, Level Invoice / complex calculation
  • Introduction to acoustic principles and calculation methods for level invoice / complex calculation using the Fourier synthesis.
  • Physics of sound, instrumentation

Measurement and analysis capabilities with the latest measuring instruments such as:

-Portable data acquisition unit with PULSE Sound & Vibration Analyzer Multi

-Sound Level Meter - Programmable sound analyzer with dodecahedron

-GFAI: sound localization with the "acoustic camera"

-Multi-channel recorder with binaural headphone listening and analysis software in the computer labs (Head Acoustics, SQuadriga I)

Laboratory management and team

Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Huber
Phone: +49 841 9348-3430
Room: B213
Laboratory Manager Measurement Technology and Circuit Design, EMC Acoustics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef P?ppel
Phone: +49 841 9348-4780
Room: B212