THI expands teaching and further education in the patent field

To mark "World Intellectual Property Day", Technische 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网 Ingolstadt (THI) is providing an overview of teaching and further education opportunities on the subject of intellectual property.

Photo: iStock, anyaberkut

The "World Intellectual Property Day" launched by UNESCO takes place annually on 26 April. The idea behind it: To highlight the importance of protecting intellectual property and thereby promote innovation and creativity. Why is the protection of intellectual property (IP) important? What does it mean for companies to monitor the market, protect their own ideas and promote innovation? Competences in the protection of intellectual property are a fundamental part of securing the future. The demand for a qualification in this area is correspondingly high.

Starting in the coming winter semester, the THI is therefore adding a new Master's degree programme in "Patent Engineering" to its range of courses. The course is aimed at graduates of engineering bachelor's degree programmes with an interest in cross-disciplinary work. It is a unique course of study in Germany that combines future technologies with IP know-how and prepares students for work in companies, research institutions and law firms at the interface between technology and IP.

In addition, the Insitut für Akademische Weiterbildung (IAW) of the THI will in future offer an application-oriented continuing education programme on the subject of patents for all interested parties, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises in Bavaria. The programme, called "TrainInG", stands for "Training, Innovation and Intellectual Property" and is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). Beginning with basic modules to clarify basic concepts and extending to in-depth insights with a strong practical orientation, the modules will be available free of charge and online during the project phase. The modules are scheduled to start this summer.

Information on the "TrainInG" programme can be found at More information on the new "Patent Engineering" degree programme is available at