May we introduce...

Prof. Dr. Ertan Akgün, Professor of Process Engineering and Hydrogen Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Professor Akgün has been with us at the faculty since 01.09.2023. A warm welcome!

He has always been interested in process engineering conversion processes and how to calculate and design them to obtain optimal product properties. So the choice of his major was obvious. Ertan Akgün began his studies in chemical engineering after finishing school in Turkey. Then he completed his diploma and doctorate at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Professionally, Prof. Akgün held various positions. Most recently, he was head of process and reactor development for fuel cell systems and catalytic reactors, which are also to be an essential component in sustainable decarbonisation. This involved the development and implementation of fuel cell systems in cruise ships and large luxury yachts.

He heard about the job advertisement at THI through a former work colleague. The challenge of combining research and teaching to bring younger generations along with him is very appealing to him. And in a very exciting field that is also of great importance for society.

He always wants to keep his lectures exciting with different aspects, because otherwise, as he finds, the learning effect is not accidental.

In addition to professional topics, he is active in sports with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), likes reading crime novels and travelling. Depending on the destination, windsurfing comes into play now and then. Recently, he has a new passion: niche fragrances. He is also a foodie and loves to eat well.