Gathering valuable industry knowledge.

That was the aim of the students from the Master's programme in Hydrogen Technology and Economics when they visited TEsTneT GmbH. The company is active in the field of testing technologies for hydrogen-carrying components and tank systems and gave the guests an insight into various testing methods for hydrogen components. The excursion was part of the subjects "Hydrogen safety and standardisation" and "Hydrogen storage and transport" and offered the students lasting insights into the practice and the associated challenges and diverse opportunities.
The Master's degree programme in Hydrogen Technology and Economics at THI will start for the fourth time in the summer semester of 2024. The application portal is open until 15 February 2024.  
Would you like to find out more about the Master's programme? Then take advantage of our online info talk on 28.11.23 at 6 pm. To register: /service/angebote-fuer-schulen-und-schuelerinnen/veranstaltungen-fuer-studieninteressierte/master-talks/