Contacting the Student Counselling Office

Welcome to the contact page of the Student Counselling Office at the Technische 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网 Ingolstadt!

Our team would like to deal with your question systematically. Therefore, please select the group you belong to.

You?ll get detailed information about the study programme, also dual studies, immediately under “prospective student”.

We are looking forward to receiving your message!

prospective students

You are interested in studying at the TH Ingolstadt


contact to student counselling for students of the TH Ingolstadt


Other queries

Contact student counselling

Via chat, telephone or at the ServicePoint Studies. Further information: or


Questions regarding your ongoing application

The Service Center Study Affairs (SCS) is dealing with your application, not the Student Counselling Office. If you have any further questions about your application and the application process, required documents, admission, enrollment, language requirements, deadlines, attestation of documents, pre-study internship, prerequisites of the study's programme and so on, please contact the SCS directly via Mail or reach them by phone +49 841 9348-1370.

After having applied at the Technische 2024欧洲杯开户_欧洲杯APP下载-投注|官网 Ingolstadt you will get feedback on your application through the Online Application Status as soon as the SCS had the possibility to check it.